Sunday, May 18, 2008

Multiple Uses for Water Fountain

So last night on my way to the Sede Di Roma (Penn States class space), I was walking along Viale Di Trastevere and I noticed something that made me stop (not for long though!) and question myself as to if this was really happening. The homeless in Rome, although nothing like New York City or Philadelphia, are very much present. They must bathe too, right? Sure. So last night I witnessed a homeless man washing a certain area of his body in a fountain. There were people everywhere, but he did not seem to care. A young lady even walked by, but this did not phase him. This is something that you would most likely not find in America. It's a cultural difference I guess. They seem more tolerant of the homeless here, unlike in New York City where the number of homeless suddenly (and very sharply) decreased when Giuliani went into office. I'm just saying.

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