To get from Termini station in Rome to Viale di Trastevere exit the station and you will find yourself in Piazza Cinquecento. Cut left and go down through the Piazza until you reach Via Cavour. Follow Via Cavour pass the magnificent Santa Maria Maggiore until you reach Viale di Fori Imperiali, which is the main road along the Tiber River. Turn right and follow Viale di Fori Imperiali. As you walk along Viale di Fori Imperiali you will notice such sites as The Colosseum and The Roman Forum, two of Romes greatest sites. Continue down Viale di Fori Imperiali through Piazza Venezia until you reach Via Arenula. Turn left on Via Arenula and cross the bridge. On the opposite site of the road Via Arenula turns into Viale di Trastevere. Welcome to Trastevere!
Trastevere literally means "across the Tiber", as that is where it is located in reference to downtown Rome. This area is full of shops, restaurants, street vendors and caffe after caffe of lovely espresso and cafe latte. Trastevere is said to the part of Rome that is not touched by tourism. By simply walking around through its narrow cobblestoned streets, you can see why so many present day Romans love to call this quaint neighborhood home.
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