Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday May 20th Evening Walk

Tonight I decided to walk up the hill behind our apartment, in hopes of finding some new and interesting stuff. I can safely say that I succeeded in doing so. There are some really cool indoor markets as well as a permanent outdoor style market that, I assume, sells the same sort of things that the other outdoor markets (ex: Campo Di Fiori) sell. I also found a park that afforded me a rather nice view of the city from on top of the hill (I'm guessing one of 7 hills in the city). I thought that I was rather far away from our apartment, but within an hour or so I was back down on the main street in Trastevere and only about 5 blocks from where I had started. I was a bit shocked, but I'm guessing I just took a huge oval shaped walk. It was worth it though. Once I was back down on Viale Di Trastevere I found two smaller photo shops. I decided to compare some prices of their cameras as compared to some of our shops back home. As I guessed the prices were a tad bit higher and I am guessing that this is thanks to 2 different reasons: 1.) we are in a city and 2.) the dollar is not fairing well against the euro. None the less, this was a smaller shop and mostly sold point and shoot cameras,and no D-SLRs or higher end equipment. The second shop I stopped in (which I noted earlier that I would stop in) was actually a photo studio, so I'm guessing that galeria in Italian does not mean the same thing as it does back home. Anyways, this photographer was great! He had a wide array of wedding photos, graduation style photos, family photos, and kid photos. His work rivaled that of any photographer I've seen back home in Zelie (Yes, I know there's not many!). I was tempted to ask the photographer about his cameras and techniques, but he was busily working at his computer on what I assume would be an editing program, so I left him be. It was great to see such splendid photography work over here! After I left there I decided that I should try and find yet another market/restaurant on Viale Di Trastevere, and I succeeded once again. I was attempting to take photos of the establishment, but they spoke no english and I wasnt sure how they would feel about me taking photos of their business. This bakery/market/restaurant had prices that rivaled that of Standa (the main market) and a wider selection of breads, which are fantastic by the way! The desserts looked great as well. I'm sure I'll be back down there at some point. I am attempting to take another walk tonight, so I will fill you in on more gems of Viale Di Trastevere tomorrow!

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